lose weight while you sleep !

Would you like to lose weight while you sleep? who wouldn't, Right. Well try this. new Coronavirus

Friday, September 25, 2020

Covid-19 and YOU !

  What's the truth about this disease ?

I will try to relay the real figures here so that you can better understand what we are facing and how to cope with it.

 Cases in U.S.     7,058,362      deaths   205,833    RECOVERED   3,804,797

                                           compared to the FLU

Dr. visits  26,000,000  cases  56,000,000    deaths  62,000   hospitalizations  740,000

Since Covid-19 is just another strain of the FLU [coronavirus] although new evidence shows it was made in a lab, it would seem that if we would have had a treatment regimen for it like we do the FLU we may have had a better handle on it. Why was the drug  hydroxychloroquine banned from Dr.s being able to prescribe it and pharmacies able to fill scripts for it, when there are a large contingent of Dr.s who swear by it and it's proven efficacy ?

Why have we not worked on a treatment modality as hard as a vaccine ? Vaccines are ment to give your immune system a chance to build up a defense against the pathogen, not treat the problem after you have it. 

Although just to be clear, Dr.s don't cure disease, they just manage the symptoms, until your body cures itself, and in fact are not allowed to cure anything if they belong to the AMA.
Maybe that's why they just went for the long game instead of effective treatments. And what happened to heard immunity, it's been  proven to have success against air born pathogens.

However, we are dealing with a disease that seriously effects people with compromised immune systems and that means a lot of us could have anything from no signs, to mild symptoms, to hospitalization and or death, depending on how heathy our immune system is.
I also wonder how many positive tests were in error and how many deaths were actually from an underlying problem that was exacerbated by the Covid. We'll never know.

As stated in another post, I will be offering several downloadable products that will allow you take control of your health and improve your immune system to be able to ward off most of the diseases you may encounter, including stress, which is detrimental to good health.     Come back soon,  Dutch

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Getting and staying healthy

          πŸ‘‰         Eat for Life !     πŸ˜‚

 This Covid-19 crisis has got me interested in sharing as much information as I can put my hands on, with everyone who has concerns about health and immunity.

 I am going to offer some great information on foods, diet plans, exercise and general information on getting and keeping a healthy body.

It's been stated, and proved, several times that the people most effected by Covid-19 are people with compromised immune systems, so I think the first thing I'll focus on is the immune system. As a certified Lymphologist, I have studied the immune system and how to improve it. I will be putting together a video/Ebook offering soon, that will give you many ways to improve your system to fight off the rigors of living in this day and age.

In the mean time you can click on the title of this post and download a little Ebook to get you started on a more healthy lifestyle. It's FREE, as a lot of my information will be and I thank you for visiting this blog.   Dutch, and  Nurse Vickie

Health Quest

       As you see in my first post, Smoking is something I'm experienced at. 

I started very young when everyone I hung out with thought it was cool to smoke. [the Marlboro Man]

I started with "Lucky Strike" and moved on to "Camel" and then to "Pall Mall" all non filter and finally quit with a 2 pack a day habit that I had for many years.   1982 was the year I quit and it was easier than I had envisioned because I had smoking linked to everything I did all day long. I know how hard it can be without help and that's why I've put this offer together. You will never know how good it feels to not smoke until you get there and start tasting your food, breathing fresh air and not smelling like a chimney !

If you follow the plan in the Ebook, you will quit, and even though you may have tried before you will find out that your sabotaging yourself, and that can be corrected. $20 is the cost of 1 pack of smokes that you throw away every day. Why not invest in your future ?

                    And guess what ?

 We can even help with quitting



Even though cannabis is legal now, it doesn't mean that it doesn't have negative side effects.

If you have realized this and would like to stop poisoning your system, we can help !   

STOP smoking for ever !

   Stop smoking for ever !

Now you can quite with the help of acupressure.

Included with this E-book is acupressure magnets that help reduce the cravings that are usually the downfall of most efforts to quit smoking.

You will get the magnets, a 20+ page E-book and the method I used to quit a 2 pack a day habit in 3 weeks, for only;

           $20   πŸ˜„

click on the link to the right to order !


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