lose weight while you sleep !

Would you like to lose weight while you sleep? who wouldn't, Right. Well try this. new Coronavirus

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Covid-19 treatment



 OK, so I'm not a doctor but I get a lot of information from Doctors and some thing I've known for a long time, but haven't been using, is a simple mix of vitamins that help build your immunity to optimize the bodies ability to fight off disease. This combo is Zink, vitamin A and vitamin C. and I just received some information from a Dr. that has had good results with this combo when given to covid patients that he started real early. I myself have been using just "Emergen C Immune" without the others although it has other ingredients and contains Zink, D and A.

                                                               As far as C goes, you need 1500 ml per day under normal conditions, meaning getting the proper amount of C containing fruits and vegetables, so you would want to supplement at least that amount if you're having cold symptoms.  Always consult with your Dr. as you may be taking conflicting meds.

You can get all of these at any drugstore or Walmart and each will have the recommended dosage or you can check with your Dr. The best way to get your vitamin A is by eating carrots or juice them then you can add them to smoothies for a great way to stay healthy and lose weight.

Check out our "smoothie" offer on the right to get a lot more healthy recipes that are designed for better health while giving you great flavors to enjoy.. 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

"FREE" Water

There is a Water Shortage in your future!

We are seeing it starting already in California and elsewhere in the U.S.

Not to mention in many other countries. My own opinion is the glaciers melting is GOD's way of helping to alleviate this problem.  Keep in mind that there are no new water supplies. We reuse the same water again and again. We have contaminated all of it and GOD works to clean it up but modern industry is out pacing his regular purification means. Bottled water is getting more and more expensive plus, most of it isn't any better for you then creek water.

 There are ways of treating our tap water to make it taste better and take the impurities out of it, Turapur is one, but what happens if you can't even get tap water ? What happens when our reservoirs dry up ?

We can only live about a week without water and drinking contaminated water probably wouldn't make it much better. So what do we do ? How about making our own water ! I'm not talking about drilling your own well, but finding a new source of water that you can tap into ! A never ending supply of fresh, clean, uncontaminated water that you can harvest "free", after a small investment in easily acquired parts and easy assembly.   Listen to this amazing video to learn more ! 

Monday, October 12, 2020

The importance of WATER in our lives.



Dr. Batmanghelidj, M.D. Stated in his book "Your Not Sick, Your Thirsty", that you are already in dehydration mode if you wait until your mouth tells you you're thirsty.     

It's our body's vital fuel, a health drink from mother nature.  It's calorie-free, inexpensive and easily obtained.  Yet few people follow the old fashioned advice to drink eight glasses of water a day. 

      Most people drink when they are thirsty, but the beverage of choice tends to be some other drink besides water.  Americans drink two or three glasses of plain water a day, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture survey conducted in the late 1970.  Based on an analysis of all fluid intake by adults, it is said to total about two quarts of water a day, and this includes water from foods and from other beverages.  It's not usually necessary to actually swallow two quarts of plain water every day.  However, people with special problems such as kidney conditions might be exceptions. 

      Americans drink eight gallons of bottled water a year, roughly two ounces or a quarter-cup a day, according to the International Bottled Water Association.  Californians drink three times the national average of bottled water, downing 24 gallons a year, or nearly a cup a day.  Climate and seasons of the year play a role in one's thirst also, and just as we tend to perspire more in the summer months, we also tend to drink more water.

     Boosting intake of plain water makes good sense, many experts concur, because water eases digestion and regulates body temperature.  

Water also bathes the cells and accounts for about 60 percent of body weight.  And it can help us exercise longer and more efficiently.  Drinking water can ward off constipation and maybe even crankiness.  An since it's a natural appetite suppressant, water can help us lose weight and keep it off.  It can help keep skin healthy, although it won't necessarily banish acne. 

      Who should drink water?  We all should, but pregnant women, nursing mothers and athletes should be especially careful to drink a sufficient amount.  When it is hot or humid, upping water intake is also wise.  There are certain workers who seem to have a more difficult time developing the water-drinking habit.  Among those who don't normally drink enough water are teachers, airline attendants and nurses. 

      Drinking fluids, particularly, water, during exercise reduces cardiovascular stress and improves performance.  After a strenuous workout, you have to replace the fluids you have lost.  Otherwise, you will suffer chronic dehydration.  Drink water before, during and after exercising, and remember that water reduces body temperature thus making the whole exercise process safer. 

      Water can be especially helpful for people with a history of kidney stones because it dissolves calcium in the urine, reducing the risk of stone formation.  Among physicians, urologists are probably most likely to extol the virtues of water, And it has been documented that drinking water mostly before 6 P.M. can reduce the likelihood of nocturnal bathroom visits.

      It is interesting to note also that water helps prevent urinary tract infections, both for men and for women.  Too busy to count how many glasses a day you drink?  There are other ways to calculate if your intake is sufficient.  Dark-colored urine often suggest you aren't drinking enough water.  Get into the habit by starting with a glass of water with every meal, then work in a cup between meals.  Among physicians, urologists are probably most likely to extol the virtues of water.

  I'll have more about the importance of water in later posts.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Exercise is important


              WHERE DIETS GO WRONG 


      When we discover that we are heavier than we want to be, we have a natural inclination to eat less food.  We may skip lunch or eat only a tiny amount of our dinner in the hope that if we eat less our body will burn off some of its fat.  But that is not necessarily true.  Eating less actually makes it more difficult to lose weight. 

      Keep in mind that the human body took shape millions of years ago, and at that time there were no diets.  The only low-calorie event in people's lives was starvation.  Those who could cope with a temporary lack of food were the ones who survived.  Our bodies, therefore, have developed this built-in mechanism to help us survive in the face of low food intake. 

      When researchers compare overweight and thin people, they find that they eat roughly the same number of calories.  What makes overweight people different is the amount of fat that they eat.  Thin people tend to eat less fat and more complex carbohydrates. 

      Losing weight is not something one can do overnight.  A carefully planned weight loss program requires common sense and certain guidelines.  Unfortunately, there's a lot of misinformation floating around and lots of desperate people are easily duped and ripped off. 

      Every day one can open a magazine or newspaper and see advertisements touting some new product, pill or patch that will take excess weight off quickly.  Everyone seems to be looking for that "magic" weight loss pill.  Millions of Americans are trying to lose weight, spending billions of dollars every year on diet programs and products.  Often they do lose some weight.  But, if you check with the same people five years later, you will find that nearly all have regained whatever weight they lost. 

      A survey was done recently to try and determine if any commercial diet program could prove long-term success.  Not a single program could do so.  So rampant has the so-called diet industry become with new products and false claims that the FDA has now stepped in and started clamping down. 

      Being seriously overweight and particularly obesity can develop into a number of diseases and serious health problems, and it is now a known fact that when caloric intake is excessive, some of the excess frequently is saturated fat. 

      The myth is that people get heavy by eating too many calories.  Calories are a consideration it's true, but over all, they are not the cause of obesity in America today.  Americans actually take in fewer calories each day than they did at the beginning of the century.  If calories alone were the reason we become overweight, we should all be thin.  But we are not.  Collectively, we are heavier than ever.  Partly, it is because we are more sedentary now.  But equally, as important is the fact that the fat content of the American diet has changed dramatically. 

      People who diet without exercising often get fatter with time.  Although your weight may initially drop while dieting, such weight loss consists mostly of water and muscle.  When the weight returns, it comes back as fat.  To avoid getting fatter over time, increase your metabolism by exercising regularly. 

      Select an exercise routine that you are comfortable with and remember that walking is one of the best and easiest exercises for strengthening your bones, controlling your weight, and toning your muscles.

 It certainly wouldn't hurt to add some delicious "Smoothies" to your diet to help in your overall well being.   Just Sayin, Dutch

















Friday, October 2, 2020


                       Do you get food cravings ?

                        We all do to some extent, so don't panic !

In a previous post I alluded to one reason for cravings and it usually is the reason, and that is your body telling you that you are deficient in a nutrient, but another reason is an imbalance of probiotics, namely Candida, which is a parasitic fungi that resides in the digestive tract and lives on sugar. It's usually kept under control but if you ingest a lot of sweets it can become a problem as it can harbor other pathogens, including cancer. It will cause cravings for sugar and the more you give in the more out of control it becomes. It can be addressed with over the counter remedies available at drug stores or online at "Amazon" where you can get books on the subject that will give you all the information you need if you suspect you may have candidiasis.

Keeping your system in balance is a full time job and requires that you monitor your p/h and maintain a balanced food intake, making meal planning important and knowledge of good cooking habits essential.

Adding delicious smoothies to your regimen is a sure way to help in this quest and we will offer a great Ebook coarse on this with recipes that will let you cleanse your colon with smoothies to help your fight to lose weight and control your metabolism.

The Bible speaks of fasting to help us cleanse our insides, but hardly anyone does this anymore, and we should. the colon is made up of little fingers along the wall of the intestine, that as the broken down food particles flow through them,  absorb the nutrients in that food, but after time, those villi becomes clogged with old food particles and the absorption levels drop causing another reason your body doesn't ingest enough nutrients and causes more cravings that could lead to eating more than you need to satisfy the cravings.  What better way to accomplish this purge than with a tasty smoothie?

If you have already downloaded the smoothie recipes we offered in our last post, you'll no doubt find this Ebook coarse extremely interesting, plus you will add to the great set of new recipes, you already received free, to wow your family with. 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

SMOOTHIES for good health !

 Who else wants to have more Energy and Stamina?

"Over a 120 Quick and Easy Smoothie Recipes That Give You More Energy and Stamina!"

Just whip up one of these yummy smoothies whenever you need an energy boost!

Date: October 1 
From: [Nurse Vickie]

What could you do if you had more Energy? How many times have you thought 'if I only had more energy, I could get more done'? Almost everyday I bet!

What do you do when you find your energy lagging? Go for something with Caffeine? Sugar? Junk food? This is what most of do, and it does help us briefly but then we come crashing down, feeling drained and needing more.

For many of this it also leads to weight gain because we're constantly filling up on junk food for a quick fix.

Do you find yourself wishing you had more energy? Always feeling like there is never enough hours in the day to get everything done?

What if you had a healthier way to raise your energy level? Would you be interested?

Ahh! I thought so! These recipes were put together by a fitness guru, to help athletes have more energy, but you don't have to be an athlete to benefit from them.

"Smoothies for Athletes" will make you feel like an athlete! You'll have more energy to tackle all those things you have to get done everyday! Getting more done will help you feel better mentally because you feel like you've accomplished so much more each day!

Just take a look at some of the Mouth-watering recipes you'll get!

  • Peaches and Dreams Smoothie 
  • Orange Pineapple Smoothie 
  • Passionate Peach Smoothie 
  • Peanut Butter Sundae Smoothie 
  • Pecan Pie Smoothie 
  • Peppermint Smoothie 
  • Rainbow Smoothie 
  • Pineapple Papaya Smoothie 
  • Chocolate Mint Smoothie 

"Smoothie for Athletes" contains over 120 mouth-watering Smoothie Recipes that will not only taste good, give you more energy, but are good for you as well!

"Smoothies for Athletes" is great for anyone who wants more energy!

Just $10    check to the right to order

90 Day Money back guaranteed!

If you don't find these recipes to be delicious and give you more energy, you can ask for a refund!

You should purchase "Smoothie for Athletes" if you want these benefits:

·         More Energy

·         More Stamina

·         Better health

·         Save money because you won't be buying junk food

When you think about how much money you spend in junk foods to boost your energy, I think you'll agree the low cost of just $10.00 is a bargain!

  For a limited time you can get these 2 additional bonuses!

Free Bonus #1  

                   Amazing Weight Loss and Health Tips, 33 pages of health tips!

Bonus #2  

         Summer Party Cooking Recipes, 73 pages of delicious recipes to serve your guests!

I'm ready to have more energy and be healthier starting today!

Check to the right to order

 As soon as "Paypal" lets us know of payment we will Email you the download links for your product, Thank You !

To your health, 

[Nurse Vickie]

P.S.   I want to remind you that this low price and bonus items will only be available for a limited time!

If you don't have a blender, this is the one I use. 




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