Do you get food cravings ?
We all do to some extent, so don't panic !
In a previous post I alluded to one reason for cravings and it usually is the reason, and that is your body telling you that you are deficient in a nutrient, but another reason is an imbalance of probiotics, namely Candida, which is a parasitic fungi that resides in the digestive tract and lives on sugar. It's usually kept under control but if you ingest a lot of sweets it can become a problem as it can harbor other pathogens, including cancer. It will cause cravings for sugar and the more you give in the more out of control it becomes. It can be addressed with over the counter remedies available at drug stores or online at "Amazon" where you can get books on the subject that will give you all the information you need if you suspect you may have candidiasis.
Keeping your system in balance is a full time job and requires that you monitor your p/h and maintain a balanced food intake, making meal planning important and knowledge of good cooking habits essential.
Adding delicious smoothies to your regimen is a sure way to help in this quest and we will offer a great Ebook coarse on this with recipes that will let you cleanse your colon with smoothies to help your fight to lose weight and control your metabolism.
The Bible speaks of fasting to help us cleanse our insides, but hardly anyone does this anymore, and we should. the colon is made up of little fingers along the wall of the intestine, that as the broken down food particles flow through them, absorb the nutrients in that food, but after time, those villi becomes clogged with old food particles and the absorption levels drop causing another reason your body doesn't ingest enough nutrients and causes more cravings that could lead to eating more than you need to satisfy the cravings. What better way to accomplish this purge than with a tasty smoothie?
If you have already downloaded the smoothie recipes we offered in our last post, you'll no doubt find this Ebook coarse extremely interesting, plus you will add to the great set of new recipes, you already received free, to wow your family with.