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Friday, December 4, 2020
Fighting a virus 1
The One Secret to Fight a Virus
It is our understanding that many illnesses are now related to the health of our immune system. The immune system seems to be linked to so many aspects of our life. The food we eat, the quality of our sleep, and the level of stress are all things that are within our control to supercharge our body.
Unfortunately, every year, many people are inflicted by a virus that can cause significant harm to individual health and, in some rare cases, death. The role of our immune system is to protect us from any foreign substance that could harm the body. These foreign substances are also known as antigens. Antigens include bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi.
Not all people realize that viruses operate in our bodies in a very different way than bacteria. Unlike bacteria, viruses are not really “alive.” They cannot operate on their own and require a host to multiply. That host is often human cells. When a virus is found in the body, it triggers the immune system, which, in return, try to destroy the virus with various mechanisms.
One of the biggest hosts is the "Candida" probiotic in our digestive system that can easily get out of proportion to the other yeasts and hosts all kinds of antigens, including cancer. Fact is that a big majority of cancer patients have been found to have a major overgrowth of "candida". It's important to keep the PH in your system balanced with garlic and pro-biotic supplements. If you crave sweets a lot you could have an overgrowth as "candida" lives on sugar and will cause those cravings.
That is why the number one secret to fight a virus is to avoid it at all costs by practicing good hygiene. That means to limit, as much as you can, your exposure to the virus in the first place.
The goal of the virus is to find a host, a cell in the body. Our innate immune system is the first responder of our body, which includes our skin. Our skin, being the first line of defense, serves as a surface barrier to stop the virus or bacteria from getting into our body. That explains why, when we are in flu season, you see signs of washing your hands everywhere. By washing your hands, you destroy the antigen before it harms the body. You should wash your hands before every meal, after going to the bathroom or after touching someone else (like a handshake) or something in public. It is also essential to be conscious of when you reach for your face since the virus is more likely to enter through your mouth.
During the flu season, be extra careful about where your hands go and how exposed you are to the virus (if people around you sneeze or cough, you have more chances of catching something).
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