lose weight while you sleep !

Would you like to lose weight while you sleep? who wouldn't, Right. Well try this. new Coronavirus

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

You Are What You EAT !

👍 Do you eat to live or live to eat ?  💗

GOD made our body to take care of itself assuming it gets the proper nutrients to do so, however, we have strayed from good nutritious food to meat and produce laced with chemicals that our bodies don't recognize and can't digest properly. We used to count on the farmer for good nutritious food but now the farmers have to produce so much because of the population explosion, that they focus on volume rather than quality. They buy seed that has been enhanced to produce more but have less of the nutrients that the body needs to be healthy.

Add to that the processing regimen that strips away more nutrients and adds other chemicals for taste and long life, and you have something left that your your body hardly recognizes. Then the worst of all happens, we radiate it in a microwave oven, killing all digestive enzymes so that we get no benefit at all from the "cardboard" we just ate. Then we wonder why we are craving something right after we eat.

When our body gets low on a nutrient the body starts craving something that it knows contains that nutrient even if the item it craves has a lot of bad things in it, all it knows is it needs a certain ingredient in that item. If we eat something else that has that ingredient the craving goes away until the level gets below the exceptable level again, and if we leave it go until the level gets acutely low, the body will cannibalize itself to the extent of the importance of the nutrient is to life. Usually we don't even know when this is happening, as the effect is something minor, until some part of our body starts giving us problems and we might have to have it removed or undergo serious treatment to repair the damage such as certain cancers. 

So we need to get back to buying and eating home grown meat and vegetables as much as we can and cooking in a way that preserves the nutrients. Stop using the microwave for cooking everything and stop using aluminum pans for cooking leading to Alzheimer's [aluminum flakes off with the cooking process and gets ingested into the body where it circulates to the brain and interferes with the synapse function.]

Remember this, Dr.'s don't cure the effects of poor nutrition, surgeons remove the results, but the body heals itself given the proper nutrients. So it's up to you to be sure you are giving your body every chance to help itself buy eating right.  We will be offering up Ebooks of 100's of good recipes so that you can change the pace at home and will give you new ways to help you and your family to good health.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

New restaurant owner ?

We have talked a lot about eating, lately.

So I guess it's just normal to offer a way to spread your wings and acquire a new business and maybe a new YOU !   watch the video


Saturday, September 26, 2020

FOOD SAFETY, reducing the strain on your immune system.



      Every year, an estimated 7 million Americans suffer from cases of foodborne illness.  Some cases are violent and even result in death.  Of course this is commonly known as "food poisoning."  The culprit is food that has dangerously high levels of bacteria due to improper cooking or handling. 

   ☝   Food safety is usually taken for granted by the buying public but everyone's attention was recently directed to food poisoning involving some meat that was undercooked.  It was determined that the problem never would have happened if the meat had been cooked properly.  E.Coli 0157.H7 is a potent virus, but it can be completely destroyed when the meat is fully cooked. 

      An aside here; The Bible tells us not to consume the blood of an animal, yet many people eat their beef cooked raw or still bloody. After the system has built up the enzymes to digest beef you no longer need, and shouldn't, eat it raw because the blood carries any disease that the animal may have had and you could infect yourself. Today's meat supply is nothing like it used to be and is full of chemicals your system may not be able to handle.

      It is important for consumers to take an all-around safety approach to purchasing, storing and preparing both traditional and new meat and poultry products.  Ultimately, consumers and food handlers bear the responsibility for keeping food safe once it leaves the store.👍

      According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, about 85 percent of foodborne illness cases could be avoided each year if consumers would handle food properly.  The most common foodborne illnesses are caused by a combination of bacteria, naturally present in the environment, and food handling mistakes.  Ironically, these are also the easiest types of foodborne illnesses to prevent.  Proper cooking or processing of raw meat and poultry kills bacteria that can cause foodborne illness. 😓

      When you're out, grocery shop last, take food straight home to the refrigerator.  And never leave food in a hot car!  Don't buy anything you won't use before the use-by date.  Don't buy food in poor condition.  Make sure refrigerated food is cold to the touch.  Frozen food should be rock-solid.  Canned goods should be free of dents, cracks or bulging lids which can indicate a serious food poisoning threat. 💀

      The performance and maintenance of your refrigerator is of the utmost importance.  Check the temperature of your refrigerator with an appliance thermometer.  To keep bacteria in check, the refrigerator should run at 40 degrees F; the freezer unit at 0 degrees F.  Generally, keep your refrigerator as cold as possible without freezing your milk or lettuce.

  👀   When you prepare food, keep everything clean and thaw out any frozen food you plan to prepare in your refrigerator.  Take it out of the freezer in advance and place it in the refrigerated section of your refrigerator.  Always wash your hands in hot soapy water before preparing and handling any food as well as after you use the bathroom, change diapers, handle pets, etc.  Remember, too, that bacteria can live in your kitchen towels, sponges and dish cloths.  Wash them often and replace the dish cloths and sponges you use regularly every few weeks. 😁

      Be absolutely sure that you keep all raw meats, poultry and fish and their juices away from other food.  For instance, wash your hands, your cutting board and knife in hot soapy water after cutting up the chicken and before dicing salad ingredients.  It is best to use plastic cutting boards rather than wooden ones where bacteria can hide in grooves.  Don't take your food out of the freezer and leave it on the kitchen counter to thaw.  This is extremely dangerous since the bacteria can grow in the outer layers of the food before the inside thaws.  It is wise to do your marinating in the refrigerator too. 😄

Remember, your immune system has to deal with any toxicity in the body, be careful what you put into it so that it has ample ability to fight off the real bad stuff.



 Arthritis Pain Relief & Prevention

Warning: This report may be oh so welcome - - especially if there’s no doctor in the house!

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Dear Health Warriors,

Life isn’t easy. At any age.

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To begin, simply consider these facts…

  • Arthritis affects at least 40 million people in the USA alone.
  • Arthritis affects all ages.
  • While the average age of onset is 47, approx. 3 out of every 5 people with arthritis are less than 65 years old.

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P.S. – Take advantage of our timely research today and join the rest of the people who ARE gaining more pleasure out of life.

P.P.S. – Learn more about arthritis pain relief and make work easier, make life easier.

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