lose weight while you sleep !
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Friday, December 4, 2020
Fighting a virus 1
The One Secret to Fight a Virus
It is our understanding that many illnesses are now related to the health of our immune system. The immune system seems to be linked to so many aspects of our life. The food we eat, the quality of our sleep, and the level of stress are all things that are within our control to supercharge our body.
Unfortunately, every year, many people are inflicted by a virus that can cause significant harm to individual health and, in some rare cases, death. The role of our immune system is to protect us from any foreign substance that could harm the body. These foreign substances are also known as antigens. Antigens include bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi.
Not all people realize that viruses operate in our bodies in a very different way than bacteria. Unlike bacteria, viruses are not really “alive.” They cannot operate on their own and require a host to multiply. That host is often human cells. When a virus is found in the body, it triggers the immune system, which, in return, try to destroy the virus with various mechanisms.
One of the biggest hosts is the "Candida" probiotic in our digestive system that can easily get out of proportion to the other yeasts and hosts all kinds of antigens, including cancer. Fact is that a big majority of cancer patients have been found to have a major overgrowth of "candida". It's important to keep the PH in your system balanced with garlic and pro-biotic supplements. If you crave sweets a lot you could have an overgrowth as "candida" lives on sugar and will cause those cravings.
That is why the number one secret to fight a virus is to avoid it at all costs by practicing good hygiene. That means to limit, as much as you can, your exposure to the virus in the first place.
The goal of the virus is to find a host, a cell in the body. Our innate immune system is the first responder of our body, which includes our skin. Our skin, being the first line of defense, serves as a surface barrier to stop the virus or bacteria from getting into our body. That explains why, when we are in flu season, you see signs of washing your hands everywhere. By washing your hands, you destroy the antigen before it harms the body. You should wash your hands before every meal, after going to the bathroom or after touching someone else (like a handshake) or something in public. It is also essential to be conscious of when you reach for your face since the virus is more likely to enter through your mouth.
During the flu season, be extra careful about where your hands go and how exposed you are to the virus (if people around you sneeze or cough, you have more chances of catching something).
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Coming Newsletter
Check out our new video on YouTube
click on the titleπ
After some serious thought we have decided to publish a weekly news letter for any readers that would like to have some coaching help to get their health under control. If this is of interest to you please sign up with your name and E-mail so we can send them to you weekly. . go here
We now have a new website. It's still under construction but it will be better than the blog alone.
Come see us at www.healthy-vitals.com π
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Where Diets Go Wrong
When we discover that we are heavier than we want to be, we have a natural inclination to eat less food. We may skip lunch or eat only a tiny amount of our dinner in the hope that if we eat less our body will burn off some of its fat. But that is not necessarily true. Eating less actually makes it more difficult to lose weight. π
Keep in mind that the human body took shape millions of years ago, and at that time there were no diets. The only low-calorie event in people's lives was starvation. Those who could cope with a temporary lack of food were the ones who survived. Our bodies, therefore, have developed this built-in mechanism to help us survive in the face of low food intake.π
When researchers compare overweight and thin people, they find that they ear roughly the same number of calories. What makes overweight people different is the amount of fat that they eat. Thin people tend to eat less fat and more complex carbohydrates. π
Losing weight is not something one can do overnight. A carefully planned weight loss program requires common sense and certain guidelines. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation floating around and lots of desperate people are easily duped and ripped off. π
Every day one can open a magazine or newspaper and see advertisements touting some new product, pill or patch that will take excess weight off quickly. Everyone seems to be looking for that "magic" weight loss pill. Millions of Americans are trying to lose weight, spending billions of dollars every year on diet programs and products. Often they do lose some weight. But, if you check with the same people five years later, you will find that nearly all have regained whatever weight they lost. π
☝ A survey was done recently to try and determine if any commercial diet program could prove long-term success. Not a single program could do so. So rampant has the so-called diet industry become with new products and false claims that the FDA has now stepped in and started clamping down.
π Being seriously overweight and particularly obesity can develop into a number of diseases and serious health problems, and it is now a known fact that when caloric intake is excessive, some of the excess frequently is saturated fat.
π The myth is that people get heavy by
eating too many calories. Calories are a
consideration it's true, but overall they are not the cause of obesity in
America today. Americans actually take
in fewer calories each day than they did at the beginning of the century. If calories alone were the reason we become
overweight, we should all be thin. But
we are not. Collectively, we are heavier
than ever. Partly, it is because we are
more sedentary now. But equally, as
important is the fact that the fat content of the American diet has changed
π Select an exercise routine that you are
comfortable with and remember that walking is one of the best and easiest
exercises for strengthening your bones, controlling your weight and toning your
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Vaccines, a note of caution !
I'm not a Doctor, but I am a medical researcher with a little concern about the rush for vaccines.
All vaccines are inherently dangerous, as they contain an array of toxic ingredients.
- Why has it not been isolated ? and how can you make a vaccine when you don't even have the cause?
- Why have we not come up with a standard treatment available for all ?
- Why was hydroxychloroquine taken off the market when a lot of Doctors were having great success with it ?
- How could it spread from a small city in China to the whole world in such short time without help ?
- Why the rush for a vaccine rather than a treatment ?
- Why is the testing results so unreliable with a large percentage of false readings ?
- Looking at the actual death rate, it's no worse than the flue and we don't shut down the whole country for the flue ?
- Why is the media constantly engaged in fear mongering about this ?
- One vaccine is different than usual, it's an mRNA that will genetically modify your DNA, unlike regular vaccines that just stimulate an immune response against the pathogen, very scary ! [research this for more info]
- Why did Biden say he would not take the new vaccine ?
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Can you boost your immune system even when you're sick ?
If You Are Currently Sick Can You Still Boost Your Immune System?
The answer to this question is that you can still boost your immune system if you are already sick. Anytime is the right time to boost your immune system. Some people will feel that if they are already sick then strengthening their immune system is a waste of time. But this is not a good attitude as you need to do all that you can to help your immune system make you better.
Keep following your current Immune System Boosting practices
If you have established some good immune system boosting practices then continue with these when you are sick. This includes maintaining good hygiene and staying on your healthy diet. If exercise is part of your immune strengthening practices (which it needs to be) then you can take a break from this until you are better.
Your Immune Boosting Practices have not failed you if you get sick
Getting sick doesn’t mean that the practices that you have put in place to boost your immune system have failed. Something just slipped through the cracks - which just happens sometimes. In the case where you have not been trying to boost your immune system there are a number of things that you can do to improve it even if you are already sick.
Supplements can help
The taking of additional immune system supplements such as zinc, vitamins A and C can definitely be a big help. In a short amount of time these supplements will help to build up your immune system and lessen the symptoms of your sickness and its overall duration.
Get a lot of Rest
When you are sick be sure to get as much rest as you can. Do not try to push yourself when you are sick. It is much better to let your immune system take control and work its magic without having to contend with anything else.
If your friends invite you for a wild night on the town then be sure to decline this. If you are used to intense workouts then you need to refrain from these until you recover. Just get as much sleep as you can at home. By doing this you will focus your immune system on eliminating the problem so that you will recover a lot faster.
Stay Isolated
Think about others when you are sick and stay as isolated as possible so you do not spread your sickness to them. If you are in the presence of others then be sure to cover your mouth when you cough and avoid touching things that others are likely to touch.
Be sure to keep your hands thoroughly washed and keep all contact with others down to an absolute minimum. It is very important that you maintain a healthy immune system when you are sick.
Think about how hard it is for your immune system to fight the sickness that you have. By taking steps to boost your immune system when you are sick you are helping it to obtain a significant advantage in this fight. This will result in you experiencing less severe symptoms and recovering a whole lot faster.
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Tuesday, November 17, 2020
The importance of Garlic for better health.
You Can Give Your Immune System A Boost With Garlic
A lot of people think that garlic is very pungent and even a little bit gross but the truth is that you should be using it a lot more in your cooking as it is an essential herb for your immune system. You can even eat garlic raw because it is very good for your health.
There are many uses for garlic in cooking. This is because it provides a lot of flavor and it is a seasoning that has a very distinctive scent. More importantly than this, garlic is essential for your immune system as it will help to increase your white blood cell numbers.
Use Garlic to increase the amount of White Blood Cells, VERY IMPORTANT !
White blood cells are responsible for identifying, targeting and eliminating any foreign cells that can carry disease. They are your strongest defense against harmful pathogens. If you do not have enough white blood cells your immune system will be weaker and can be overwhelmed by infectious cells that will make you very sick.
So you need to add garlic to your diet so that you can increase the number of white blood cells you have available so that they can find any harmful bacteria and prevent any diseases forming in your body.
Improve your Blood Flow with Garlic
Another great reason to include garlic in your diet is that it will improve your blood flow. This is great for a variety of reasons, but particularly in relation to your immune system, because it helps it to identify diseases faster.
Your white blood cells are always circulating around your body and continuously on the lookout for things that shouldn’t be there and they will attack these. With improved blood circulation, your white blood cells will be able to move faster and more easily through your blood searching for threats.
Use Garlic to reduce Stress
It is well known in the medical world that stress is responsible for weakening the human immune system. When you are in a state of stress your body releases specific hormones that result in your immune system becoming less effective.
Studies have shown that the ingestion of garlic helps to stop the release of these stress hormones, which in turn will make you feel less stressed and assist with maintaining your immune system at its most efficient level.
Eat Garlic raw for maximum benefit
You will derive the maximum health benefits from garlic when you eat it in its raw state. We understand that a lot of people will not be very keen to do this. Let’s face it, the taste and smell of garlic can be pretty overpowering.
But when you cook garlic it will reduce this overpowering taste and smell quite a lot, but at the same time you end up losing some of its health benefits. If you don’t fancy the idea of eating garlic raw, there are a number of supplements available as an alternative.
These supplements do not have an odor and are also tasteless so it is really easy for you to take them and get all of the benefits that raw garlic would provide to you.
One finale thought
Garlic helps keep your probiotics in balance. Candida has a way of getting out of balance and since it lives on sugar, will cause sugar cravings and keep getting more and more overgrown. It manifests itself in many ways but the most problematic is that it harbors other pathogens that can make you sick, so it is necessary to keep your system at the proper Ph. That would be 6.8 to 7.3 saliva, which is mildly acidic, if you get too acidic you can have other problems. You can monitor this with over the counter items available most everywhere, here are some at "Amazon"
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Boost Your Immune System to the MAX !
Are You Ready To Protect Yourself From The Coronavirus And Other Diseases?
It’s About Time For You To Learn The Best Ways To Boost Your Immune System!
· Every one of us has this wonderful thing called an immune system designed to keep us healthy.
· A lot of people have weak immune systems and don’t even know it.
· Most people seem to pay more attention to their immune systems during the winter months.
Dear Friend,
Your immune system is vital for preventing and fighting off diseases.
This is especially important with the current coronavirus pandemic.
Our lifestyles usually dictate the health of our immune system and if you want to improve this vital component of your body then you need to be prepared to make some difficult changes.
Some things in life cause harm to your immune system and if you indulge in these then you need to stop.
Boosting your immune system starts by understanding what it does and how it works.
The right diet will provide the nutrients and vitamins that your immune system needs to stay in tip top condition and work hard for you.
Changing your diet is a big step to take, but if you are eating the wrong things then you need to do this for the sake of your immune system.
Here’s where my advice for you comes in.
✓ You will learn what the immune system does and how it works.
✓ You will learn how much your immune system protects you.
✓ You will learn the right diet that will provide the nutrients and vitamins that your immune system needs to stay in tip top condition and work hard for you.
✓ You will know how you can reduce the stress in your life.
✓ You will learn why essential oils are beneficial for your immune system and the best ones to use.
To make it easy, I’ve put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how it’s done...
The Best Ways To Boost Your Immune System
Protect Yourself From The Coronavirus And Other Diseases
No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.
You will become a complete expert on this, and you’ll get everything you need inside to do the same…
Here’s Just A Quick Preview Of What You’ll Discover Inside...
✓ Why You Need To Boost Your Immune System
✓ How Your Immune System Works
✓ Avoid These Things To Protect Your Immune System
✓ Immune System Boosting Foods
✓ Supplements To Bolster Your Immune System
✓ Reducing Stress To Keep Immune System Levels High
✓ Exercise And Sleep
✓ Detoxify Your Body For A Stronger Immune System
✓ Using Essential Oils to boost your Immune System
Plus, a whole lot more...
This is the easiest way to actually boost your Immune System!
Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?
If you answer YES to any of the below, you need this…
✓ You want to know what the immune system does and how it works.
✓ You want to know how much your immune system protects you.
✓ You want to know the right diet that will provide the nutrients and vitamins that your immune system needs to stay in tip top condition and work hard for you.
✓ You want to know how you can reduce the stress in your life.
✓ You want to know why essential oils are beneficial for your immune system and the best ones to use.
Does This Sound Like Exactly What You Need? But maybe your question is: How Much?
If you were going to hire an expert on this, to show you how it’s done, you could easily find yourself investing hundreds of dollars for this sort of coaching.
In fact, many people invest hundreds and thousands of dollars to get into coaching programs or attend workshops...
But, you won’t have to invest anywhere near that today.
Today, you can get INSTANT ACCESS for just...
And it just keeps getting better…
When You Make The Wise Decision To Grab This Today, You’ll Also Get These Fast Action Bonuses…
Fast Action Bonus #1 – The Best Ways To Boost Your Immune System- Cheat Sheet (Valued at $27)
This cheat sheet is a handy checklist that makes it easy to get started.
It breaks up the entire guide into easy-to-follow steps so that you can make sure you have all the highlights of everything covered inside right at your fingertips.
Fast Action Bonus #2 – The Best Ways To Boost Your Immune System- Mind Map (Valued at $17)
Some people learn better by looking at a mind map. The mind map gives you an overview of everything covered inside the guide. You can also print it out for quick reference anytime you need it!
Fast Action Bonus #3 – 12 videos to help you get the most out of this E-book ! (Valued at $47)
This makes it easy to plug-in and stick with what you’re looking for.
Try This Guide On MY DIME… There’s No Risk!
There are a lot of people that claim to offer a solution on how to boost your Immune System, so it’s understandable if you’re a little skeptical.
I can keep telling you just how great my guide is, but you really need to go through it and see for yourself what it’s all about to know if it’s for you…
That’s why I’m going to give you a FULL 30 days to decide if this is for you…
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No questions asked!
Click The Button Below Now To buy !
Thank you so much for taking the time to take a look at this extremely limited offer that has the potential to help you boost your Immune System!
I’ll see you on the inside!
Darrell Clouse
PS – I’ve compiled some of the most frequently asked questions about the guide that will show you how to plan for success!
Frequently Asked Questions
This is a guide that will show you how to boost your Immune System!
Who is this for?
If you answer YES to any of the below, you need this…
✓ You want to know what the immune system does and how it works.
✓ You want to know how much your immune system protects you.
✓ You want to know the right diet that will provide the nutrients and vitamins that your immune system needs to stay in tip top condition and work hard for you.
✓ You want to know how you can reduce the stress in your life.
✓ You want to know why essential oils are beneficial for your immune system and the best ones to use.
How long until I see results?
You can begin seeing results extremely quickly… Within days and sometimes even within hours of getting started. The more you make this a part of your daily life, the better the results you’ll get.
Do I need to buy anything other than this guide?
That’s the great thing about this… All you need to learn about boosting your Immune System, is in this step-by-step guide.
How is this guide delivered?
You’ll get instant access to a PDF version of this guide along with the videos to walk you through it, plus download links for the rest of the bonuses. There’s no waiting… You can get started RIGHT NOW.
How much?
If you were going to hire an expert on this, to show you how it’s done, you could easily find yourself investing hundreds of dollars for this sort of coaching. But, you won’t have to invest anywhere near that today.
Is there a guarantee?
You bet. You get a full 30 days to make sure this is for you. If for any reason, or no reason at all, you’re not 100% satisfied, simply send me an email, and I’ll refund every penny of your tiny investment…
No questions asked!
Click the button below now…
Strengthen Your Immune System NOW !
Protect yourself against Covid-19 by strengthening your immune system ! We'll show you how with this E-book and Video pack.
Here is a little information for you to digest
The Difference Between Innate Immunity and Adaptive Immunity
You may not be aware of this, but your immune system has two distinct elements that make it up. Each one of these elements has its own purpose and its own way of working. We believe that it is important for you to understand these differences to be aware of how your immune system functions.
Innate and Adaptive Immunity
The two categories of your immune system are called the “innate immunity” and “adaptive immunity”. They are both essential for fighting off potential diseases and also for preventing them from getting a foothold. It is very important that you understand how they function so that you are aware of how your immune system protects you from disease.
Innate Immunity
Your first line of defense is your innate immunity. It stops pathogens making their way into your body in the first place. Your innate immunity does not go after any particular type of pathogen.
Often the innate immunity is non-specific in nature because it will target anything that it discovers in your body that should not be there rather than chase after a specific type of pathogen. Two significant parts of your innate immunity that you will be familiar with are your skin and your hair.
Your skin is vital as it provides a barrier for your body to the outside world. The skin does a great job in keeping out things that want to get in. Your hair also performs a vital role as it will trap different types of micro organisms and it is essential that you wash it often so that it is always clean.
If you have long hair then never put it into your mouth and chew it or bite it. You never know what kind of bad microorganisms your hair has trapped and you do not want these in your mouth. There are a lot of other internal parts to your innate immunity and one of these is mucus.
Similar to your hair, mucus will
trap micro organisms as well. It will trap harmful bacteria before it is able
to reach your respiratory system. Mucus is responsible for you developing a
cough prior to getting sick.
Adaptive Immunity
You have a number of cells that will try to eliminate any foreign body that they believe should not be there. Your adaptive immunity works in a different way in that it responds with the discovery of a threat that has already begun to become a problem for you.
This element of your immune system will specialize in eliminating sickness using a variety ofThis element of your immune system will specialize in eliminating sickness using a variety of methods. This could be opening up a membrane or simply taking it and flushing it out of your system.
The most common examples of your adaptive immunity are T cells and B cells. These cells have memories and will recognize foreign bodies that they have fought in the past. This is great because they will know how they will need to fight against them if they appear again. When these cells see a threat they try to identify it so they know what to do to eliminate it. I am now using "Emergen C"
Sunday, November 1, 2020
NEW Shopping Site
Check this out, A NEW shopping site.
Shop from home and get it delivered.
Including frozen food and MEALS !
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Covid-19 treatment
OK, so I'm not a doctor but I get a lot of information from Doctors and some thing I've known for a long time, but haven't been using, is a simple mix of vitamins that help build your immunity to optimize the bodies ability to fight off disease. This combo is Zink, vitamin A and vitamin C. and I just received some information from a Dr. that has had good results with this combo when given to covid patients that he started real early. I myself have been using just "Emergen C Immune" without the others although it has other ingredients and contains Zink, D and A.
As far as C goes, you need 1500 ml per day under normal conditions, meaning getting the proper amount of C containing fruits and vegetables, so you would want to supplement at least that amount if you're having cold symptoms. Always consult with your Dr. as you may be taking conflicting meds.
You can get all of these at any drugstore or Walmart and each will have the recommended dosage or you can check with your Dr. The best way to get your vitamin A is by eating carrots or juice them then you can add them to smoothies for a great way to stay healthy and lose weight.
Check out our "smoothie" offer on the right to get a lot more healthy recipes that are designed for better health while giving you great flavors to enjoy..
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Boost Your Immune System to the MAX !
Are You Ready To Protect Yourself From The Coronavirus And Other Diseases? It’s About Time For You To Learn The Best Ways To Boost You...

Watch this Video Animal Assisted Therapy Everything you need to know ! Get this E-book ...
Are You Ready To Protect Yourself From The Coronavirus And Other Diseases? It’s About Time For You To Learn The Best Ways To Boost You...